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Double Dead Guy Ale – Rogue Brewery – Newport, Oregon


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Double Dead Guy Ale – Rogue Brewery – Newport, Oregon

Category : Beer Reviews

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So, we decided to bite the bullet and spend the $12.99 on a 750ml/25.36oz bottle of Rogue’s Double Dead Guy Ale 2009. My first ever beer blog was on Rogues’ Dead Guy so we figured why not go ahead and get the double for the next. We were able to find it at Newport Market on the west side of Bend, Oregon. Didn’t think to get any while we were at the brewery in Newport a few weeks ago which probably would not have been any cheaper.

I decided to experiment with a short video intro. Took about 45 minutes to shoot and edit from my camera which is an Olympus Stylus 850. I bought the camera more for MY snowboarding given it’s indestructible frame. The video is horrible and the sound even worse, but hey it was cheap and quick! Even though it was fun… this definitely will not be a part of all the beer blogs, but every once in a while for sure.

Being that Rogue’s Dead Guy is my all time current favorite it is really irrelevant what the price is right!? I knew I had to at least try this beer. Beer tasting experts would laugh at our hesitance to buy an expensive beer, and after giving this one a try I can now see why!

Last time I started out with the specs of the beer, the history, and then my review followed by links for further reading. This time will be the same, but the reviews by Cali and I will be at the very end instead of before the links.

So here are the details:

Style: American Strong Ale


Malts: 2-Row, Munich and C15.

Hops: Cascade.

Yeast & Water: Rogue’s Pacman Yeast & Free Range Coastal Water.


  • 9% ABV
  • 20º PLATO
  • 60 IBU
  • 78 AA
  • 25º Lovibond

Double Dead Guy Ale is an evolution of Dead Guy Ale, the award winning maibock that has won 25 awards for product and packaging since its first tap in 1993.

Related Facts:

  • 2008 World Beer Championships – Silver

Further Reading



  1. auz1111 05-11-2010 Recent Favorite:


    The beer I poured had a head of about an inch that seemed smooth and thick. The beer has a nice gold-honey color to it. I noticed little carbonation.


    I could smell a lot more of the alcohol in this than Dead Guy. Sweet and slightly fruity aroma.


    Hops and alcohol blended perfectly with caramel and a little coffee. Had a slight bitter bite that was welcomed.


    This actually felt light and smooth. More light than Dead Guy. I let it rest on my tongue and first taste the malts and alcohol. Then the bitterness hits to seal it up nicely!

    Last Sip/Drinkability:

    We drank this one out of a snifter to get the best taste for an American Strong Ale. Neither of us are experts and are just learning so keep in mind these reviews are subject to change. Popped open the red bottle and this is what I got! This blend is what Rogue calls an “evolution” of their Dead Guy Ale. I just find it strange that it’s now an American Strong Ale, as opposed to the Maibock approach of the regular Dead Guy. The hops and the malts were changed in turn giving this beer a higher alcohol content as well. Whatever it may be I love it! It actually feels lighter than the regular Dead Guy which is amazing considering the alcohol content. This may clear out some taste buds and noses as the alcohol is a little strong, but for a relaxed night I could down just one of these and be straight!

    Final Rating:4.5

  2. Cali 05-11-2010


    The coloring was reddish brown and clear. When poured, the one inch head was ecru colored and thick.


    I could also smell a lot more of the alcohol in this than Dead Guy, with a sweet and citrus/fruity aroma. I would say that we both repeatedly mentioned the sweet smell. I don’t normally enjoy sweet drinks so that was a slight turn off for me.


    I thought this was more bitter than the original Dead Guy but still with the solid amber taste, very smooth on the palette.


    This felt light and smooth.

    Last Sip/Drinkability:

    I gave this a 4/5 because I enjoy the strong amber of this beer, along with the higher alcohol content. (I must mention that Dead Guy is my all time favorite amber.) If asked to choose between Dead Guy or the Double, I would choose Dead Guy every time because it is much smoother and easier to drink without the bitter after taste that I though Double Dead Guy had. It also seemed much sweeter.

    Final Rating:4


Got a couple ounces of this from a friend. Great treat.

A – Poured a dark hazy brown with slight orange hues in the light. 2 gingers of offwhite, mocha colored head with large bubbles. Good lacing, nothing extreme. Very little visible carbonation and no visible sediment.

S – Strong sweet smell. Very little hop aroma. Smells very biscuity and slightly alcoholic and fruity.

T – Surprisingly sweet. Biscuit sweet. Not much hop bite to this. Alcohol smell is not present in the taste. A little bit of a grape taste as well. Very complex and satisfying.

MF – For a 9% ABV, very light. Slightly watery.

Serving type: bottle

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Double Dead Guy Ale – Rogue Brewery – Newport, Oregon
