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Lovely Cherry Baltic Porter – Bend Brewing Company


Category : Beer, Beer Reviews, Imperial Baltic Porter


The Cherry Baltic Porter is no stranger in my house.  I have a had a pretty good relationship with this beer for a few years now.  It’s a shame I haven’t reviewed this one until now, but that’s the way the beer pours sometimes.

This beer just makes me warm looking at the bottle.  It has a dark cherry red label with a lovely lady that stares into your heart. Yeah, your heart! Because, I love this one.

No, this is not the beer I am taking camping, this is not the beer next to me at the pool, and no this is not the beer I like to sip on at lunch.  This is the beer I like to savor until Friday night with a good movie and a bucket of popcorn.  This beer makes me want to take sloooooow sips, and enjoy the moment.

Bend Brewing Company


Category : Bend, Oregon Breweries

Bend Brewing Company is a local favorite, and also a national award winning brewery. Overlooking Mirror Pond River in Bend, Oregon, Bend Brewing Co. offers a variety of craft beers from their Hophead Imperial IPA to the delicious Lovely Cherry Baltic Porter.